How do Your Services Work and what can I Expect?
You may choose one of our many ranked or non ranked services, where you have the option to choose between SoloQ or DuoQ. After we receive your payment and user information, you can customize your order and we will begin the boost with one of our Immortal/Valorant Boosters.
Once I pay for the Boost, what do I do next?
Once you have paid for the boost, you will receive an email confirmation which will include our contact information such as our Discord, Skype. We will make sure to contact you first and set up order details with the booster and the service is ready to begin.
Which Payment Methods do you Accept?
We Accept The most popular payment methods: PayPal, Skrill, AliPay, Bitcoin, Paysafecard, Visa, Mastercard, Western Union, Ria, Moneygram. Live Chat is 24 hours open if you have any questions how to pay.
How can I be sure my Account won’t be Stolen?
It is not possible to steal accounts since every account has a specific email associated to it, that only the owner has access to, so your account is always recoverable. Regardless, we also take extreme care to ensure that your information is kept secure.
Are the Boosters Toxic / Do They Rage/Flame during Games?
Our boosters cannot speak, under any circumstance, while in your account. Also, after your order is complete, you can leave a review for the booster. Boosters who receive negative reviews from customers will no longer be provided with orders, so they have every reason to act polite and professional while representing our company.
Do the Boosters have Access to my BE/RP?
Boosters are not allowed to do any purchase/gift or any kind of transaction while inside your account without your express consent in Chat or Notes to Booster.
Will the booster talk to my friends while the boost is active?
No, the booster will have the ability to play offline, this means that the in-game chat is unavailable and they can’t receive or send any messages.
Will the Booster Change my Runes?
In order to perform at their best every game, Boosters might need to change a Rune Page to have a different set of Runes.
I have a Specific Order of Summoners and I want the Booster to Follow it, can he do it?
Yes, in the notes option you can write how you want the order of summoner spells to be, and any other details relevant the boost.
How can I Choose the Role or the Champions I Want the Booster to Play?
Before placing your order there is an Options area where you can set the Role or Champions that you want us to use during your Boost.
Can I play on my account while you are working on it?
You can play on your account during a boosting service, but please be sure that the booster is not logged into your account. Please refrain from playing the specific ranked mode you purchased, as this conflicts with the services we are providing.
Can I spectate the games made on my account?
Yes, you can spectate the booster through our website. We have a system that allows you to easily spectate the games while your account is being boosted.
How many Boosters will be Active on my Account?
Only one booster is assigned to your account, so only one booster will have access to your account. If a booster locks your account and cannot play due to an emergency, they will be replaced by another qualified booster to ensure that your order is completed on time.
What if I am Dissatisfied with the Booster on my Account?
If for some reason you are not satisfied with the booster, you can contact the customer support to request a new one. If we have one available, the order will be instantly transferred.
I bought a boost, but I selected the Wrong Server/Division/LP, what should i do?
Contact us on the customer support, our staff will help you with the issue.
I Bought a Boost for a Specific Division, but you guys Achieved a Higher one, will I be Charged more Money?
No, the price is fixed. Any rank you achieve beyond the rank you purchased is free of charge.
How much Time is Needed for Boosting Services?
Services vary based on the details of each order. These factors include type of boost, how many games/divisions are purchased, and external factors outside of our control. External factors include in-game patches, server status, and unforeseen circumstances. However, you can rest assured that our team is focused on completing your order as quickly as possible.
Right now I gain less than 12 league points per Game, can I use the Division Boost Option?
If you win less than 12 league points per game, means your MMR is very low, so in this case the division boost is not an option, to improve your MMR we have the wins service that will fit much better and will help you in the future grinding the ranks.
I have a Question which I can’t Find in the FAQ, how can I Contact you?
You can ask us any question through the website’s Live Support. We will answer them as soon as possible. For the shortest response times, please use our Live Support.